Auto-organize your media with Computer Vision

Automate the organization of your data.

In a world where visual data is the king, we organize it for you, requiring no human intervention.

Digital media organization

Tagging images with meaningful labels is a time consuming task requiring manual labor. By utilizing our image recognition technology, you can automatically tag and organize large volumes of image and video in real time. Your users will be able to easily find their content they care about, enabling new ways of consuming digital media.

Image auto-tagging
Tag any image or video with over 13,000 concepts.
Seamless integration via REST API
Our team will work closely with your team and integrate our technology into your platform.
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Digital media personalization

Deliver the right content to the right user. Increase engagement of users in your media platform by providing hyper-personalized recommendations based on visual content understanding.

Video recommendation
We use image recognition technology to extract meaningful video information and serve users with the content they want to watch. As an example, we help media platforms display different artwork alternatives to consumers and measure best conversions based on which images users choose.
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